Jute fiber bicycle

Comparison to other conventional metal made bicycle, Jute fiber bicycle is more comfortable and lighter. Jute composite can replace carbon fiber, plastics and many others harmful materials those are seriously causes for climate changes. Our innovative Jute Fiber Bicycle strength is almost same as of steel almost. A bicycle with Jute-resin composite frame can be custom made according to the riders’ body measurements and preferred style.

Last but not the least, Bangladesh is currently the second largest producer of jute fiber. After the country’s independence, more than 80% of total foreign currency in Bangladesh was earned from jute and jute related goods.  But after 80’s, the earning rate of foreign currency from jute industry has gradually declined.  The sector provides about 10% of the total employment in the economy and 12% of GDP.  About 90% of jute products produced in Bangladesh is exported. In recent years, the automotive industry has been looking at the use of suitable natural fiber-based composites. As the world is now keener on natural fibers and eco-friendly products, our innovative jute bicycle could be prominent factor contributing towards a sustainability mobility.