An effective innovative idea can transform a society. Maybe the fate of millions of people will change through the implementation of your innovative idea. Sufferings of the people will be eliminated. If you have an idea that modernizes the population, modernizes traditional systems, speeds up services, reduces costs and time, you can submit your ideas to Idea Bank under the a2i Innovation Fund (AIF).
After a selection process when your idea has been selected then the implementation of the idea at the national level begins with the prototype development under the full support and supervision of a2i Innovation Lab.
a2i Innovation Lab has an experienced mentor panel who provides technical advices to the innovators on design, material selection, simulation, hardware and firmware development, business model creation, commercialization, patents & copyright and collaborates to the innovation process as a whole.
Under the a2i Innovation Fund (AIF), an innovator as a representative of an organization can get a maximum 25,00,000 BDT and in case of personal innovation can receive maximum 15,00,000 BDT.