
Innov-A-Thon is a competition organized annually by the Innovation Lab, where everyone participates in creating prototypes for various projects. In order to participate in this competition, the contestant must develop a visible prototype that solves a national problem or transforms a traditional system into a digital version of that system which will be more efficient, faster and also cost effective.

Innov-A-Thon launches with the Digital Innovation Fair held in 64 districts every year. The registration process of Innov-A-Thon is started one month before the commencement of the Digital Innovation Fair. In order to participate they have to complete the registration process on online. At the time of submitting the idea they have to provide some information on how to solve a national problem through a prototype. If there are documents related to the prototype, problem or solution those can be uploaded with the idea. Participation can be done individually or as a team at Innov-a-Thon.

The entire process of Innov-A-Thon  completed in three steps. At  first  the prototypes have to showcase  at the Innov-A-Thon pavilion  in the Digital Innovation Fair. After being elected from the district level, the participants has to participate again in the divisional round. Prizes, honours and certificates are awarded when selected at the national level.

Selected projects at the national level were prepared for solving national problems under the supervision of a2i Innovation Lab. In this way citizen services are ensured.